Through internal fundraisers, MD Logistics sends eight children to diabetes summer camp.
Each year, the employees of MD Logistics raise funds to send children with diabetes to Camp John Warvel. This camp is a week-long residential camp for children with type-1 and type-2 diabetes, run by the American Diabetes Association, which offers kids water, outdoor and craft activities. The camp, held at YMCA Camp Crosley, is also staffed with diabetes care professionals offering round the clock care. This year, through the funds raised, we were able to send eight kids to camp for the week. MD Logistics employee Elke Lorenzen visited ‘Kids Camp’ on Sponsor Day, below is her account of how are funds are changing lives.
“I could not believe what goes into the planning for this week-long camp to take place. When they say camp is for the kids, it really is all about and all for the kids. From the medicines, to the supervision, to the nutrition and record keeping, and the action packed days these kids experience. It is no wonder that so many return year after year, and many even return to be counselors. Sure it is camp, but this is their week to learn, in a fun way, about their diabetes, and to experience ‘normal’. It is obvious these kids wanted to be at this camp! We had wonderful young tour guide that spent the day with us during Sponsor Day, telling us about the camp activities and showing us around camp. Most guides have attended this camp throughout their childhood years, and it was interesting to hear their personal account of how they learned how to better manage their diabetes while at camp. It was easy to see that this camp had made such an impact in their life. Spending time with these young people and seeing how this camp is life changing made me very proud to know that our fundraising and charitable giving truly does makes a difference!” -Elke Lorenzen, Human Resources Manager