PLAINFIELD — One company in Plainfield saw a surge in demand during the pandemic and is continuing to hire Hoosiers in these uncertain times.
MD Logistics is a third-party logistics provider that customizes supply chain solutions for the customers they serve.
From manufacturing to the final distribution, MD Logistics gets goods where they need to go.
The company focuses on life sciences products like medications and they also work with personal care products.
Francessa Bankhead is a Team Lead in the cooler area of MD Logistics. As the pandemic broke out, she was worried about having to choose because of the safety of her family and her job.
“But MD reassured me that, put my family first,” Bankhead said. “So I was able to take that time off and still come back to my job and everything was just great. So they’ve been helping us whenever they can. They’ve been empowering us.”
Bankhead says MD Logistics is more like a family than a job.
Emilie Gerbers is their director of business development and said there was a lot of pivoting and shifting of the supply chain due to the pandemic with a surge of more orders online, delivered directly to consumers, and a shift away from brick and mortars.
“Because we are considered essential, we were able to keep our people working and continue servicing and providing medicine for those patients,” Gerbers said.
MD Logistics still has many employees working from home, and those who do have to be on-location are following new safety guidelines to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the workplace.
“We are keeping our employees 6 feet apart,” said Jennifer Sanders, who works in human resources and recruiting for MD Logistics. “We are encouraging them to wear masks on a daily basis.”
“We’ve increased all of our cleaning protocols,” Gerber said. “We’ve been doing temperature checks since March I believe and to Jennifer’s point, if we don’t have, if we can’t be socially distant we are wearing masks, but for the most part, the majority of our folks who are able to work remote are still working remote.”
With safety procedures on site still top of mind, the company is looking to hire new employees in a wide range of positions to keep up with the demand for their services.
Open positions include anything from internships, picking and packing, general labor, equipment operators, team leaders, and even management positions.
MD Logistics believes in promoting from within when possible, so there is an opportunity for growth within the company.
“We are most definitely looking for motivated individuals that can at work every day, that care about their job and the products that we send out,” Sanders said.
Perks for employees include giveaways, appreciation events, and cookouts. They also provide benefits like health insurance, dental, and 401K.
After a 90 day probationary period, new employees are eligible for 401K and the contributions and investments from the company. They also do school reimbursement after one year of service at MD Logistics.
They provide long and short term disability and life insurance as well.
The company is looking to hire about 25 positions. For more information on the available positions, you can visit its website.
Source: RTV6 Hiring Hoosiers