Supply Chain News

    Nippon Express

    NX Group Reorganized by Shifting to a Holding Company Structure

    February 28, 2022

    The Nippon Express Group has transitioned to a holding company structure with the establishment of Nippon Express Holdings, Inc. (Mitsuru Saito, President) on Tuesday, January 4, 2022. The environment surrounding the logistics industry worldwide continues to be severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, creating instability Full Article
    packaging in the pharma supply chain

    The U.S. Needs to Reimagine Its Pharma Supply Chain

    February 16, 2022

    When Americans go to a hospital or visit a doctor, they expect that the drugs they need will be on the shelf — whether to treat an infection or save a life. They can’t imagine that a hospital might tell them their cancer treatment has to Full Article
    Robots in the retail supply chain

    The Retail Supply Chain is Hot, Hot, Hot

    February 3, 2022

    Amid shortages and disruptions, ecommerce orders are on fire at the same time as brick-and-mortar sales are heating up. Retailers are looking to technology and innovative strategies to keep up. When things are running smoothly, all eyes are generally on eking additional efficiency, throughput and Full Article
    Image of John Sell, Vice President of Retail and Transportation

    A Letter from President & CEO, John Sell

    January 31, 2022

    Dear friends and valued partners, As we move into 2022, (how is it February already?) I want to touch upon a number of key transitions within our team.  As many of you are aware, MD Logistics founder and executive advisor Mark Sell passed away in Full Article

    Keeping the Supply Chain Moving into 2022

    January 25, 2022

    Both for the better and for the worse, the global supply chain has been at the front and center of the conversation around the world over the past two years. For the better: The public’s awareness of the supply chain and their appreciation for essential Full Article
Drug Distributor

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